Monday 28 May 2012

Week 6-Landscape and the Sublime

'Wanderer in the mists' (1818) Caspar David Friedrich

'Untitled #2" (2002) Richard Misrach

 'Untitled # 394-03' (2003) Richard Misrach

Richard Misrach's photography reflects the concept of the Sublime, from the Enlightenment.

Research Misrach's work by reading about his intentions, and also by looking at the work. Then answer the following questions;

1. Define the Enlightenment, including its context (time and place).

the age of the enligtenment came from euope and america in the 18th centery when the christian way was questioned by science. the enligtenmet is based on the thoght everything was to have a reason for perpose. this was a comleately radical way of thinkig in this age of religious veiws. 
this age of enligtenment was the start of the scientific era.

2. Define the concept of the Sublime.

the subline reffers to the sense of a curtain something is greater or overwhelming that enduces fear into the minds of the observer without having any physical aspect or endagering the observer.

3. Explain how the concept of the Sublime came out of Enlightenment thought.

the subline was a direct outcome of the enlightenment veiw. now that people were facinated by science and the bigger picture artest could not get any costermers wanting religious paintins in which before this radical veiw were the only thing they were painting. this was the birth of lanscape painting people were now wanting butifal painting of real places. from this came the veiw of a curtain place being so unexplanible or amazing (unseen) that the subline was born. 

4. Discuss the subject matter, and aesthetic (look) of Misrach's work to identify the Sublime in his work. Include some quotes from art critics and other writers who have written about his work. 

misrach works are mainly photos of enormous siminly endless landscapes or enormous rock stuctures. this sets of the impresion of the sublime because the lancsapes are so enless or enormous that it gives the impression of overpoering greatness. ultimalty inspiriring fear into the eye of the observer. one critic has abolished this veiw saying "But the strange thing about these photos is how little they call up Turneresque feelings of awe-inspiring sublimity."

5. Add 2 new images of his work to your blog.

6. Describe how does Misrach's photography makes you feel. How does it appeal to your imagination?

his works do have a overwhelming feel to them. as if what he is trying to capture is to great for me to understand. some works have a butifull bliss to them but others have a scary unseen feel to them.

7. Identify some other artists or designers that work with ideas around the Sublime, from the Enlightenment era as well as contemporary artists.

james ward(1769-1859) was a sublime artest in the 18th centry. he painted huge dark and sometime scary murals. another sulime artest from the enlightenment age was Joseph Wright of Derby (1734-1797).  one contemperary sublime artest i now of is 
Ricky Allman he does works like this 

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog entry, I agree with what you said in your answers, your answer are right and let people easy to understand the enlightenment and sublime’ effect in today society, I really enjoyed your description of the enlightenment and sublime about feeling in harmony with concept is challenging to much of our day to day live around the world, Give people a warning. Also I very like your display picture, that’s so beautiful.
